Bode Fit Challenge 2025

January 18, 2025 @ 4:00AM — January 25, 2025 @ 2:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

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👟 Step Up Your Fitness 👟 Join the Bode Fit Walking Challenge 2025!

The Bode FIT Walking Challenge is your chance to get moving, stay healthy, and have fun! This week-long event is perfect for individuals, friends, families, schools, and even businesses to come together for friendly competition while promoting winter fitness. It’s designed to inspire a fun, 7-day activity that’s easy to stick to! Let’s make this inaugural event the start of a cherished annual tradition! Inspired by the desire to bring in the new year with a not so new-yearsy new year's resolution, we want to get everyone from everywhere to join the challenge with the support of the entire TRF community!


Bode Fit is a 7-day challenge for Individuals or groups to aim for 10,000 steps a day with a total goal of 70,000 steps in 7 days! Unable to walk? You're included! Please keep reading!


All ages and abilities from anywhere are encouraged to join the challenge!


Saturday, January 18th – Friday, January 25th


Registration opens on January 1st at 5 am EST

We will provide the first 500 people who register a Turtle Ridge branded pedometer for FREE!


Stop by the TRF Office in Franconia, NH for (or we can mail) a Turtle Ridge branded pedometer to the first 500 people who register. If you'd like to use your app or tracking device, feel free to do so! OR, you can download the free Pace Pedometer app here.


$5 each. Equal to a cup of coffee!


EVERYWHERE! This is a do-it-yourself event so you can walk, run, hike, snowshoe or do whatever you’d like to achieve 10,000 steps a day from wherever you are.


Step 1: Register today! The first 500 participants will receive a Turtle Ridge-branded pedometer for FREE (unless you opt-out in lieu of using an app, watch, or device).

Step 2: Participants gather sponsors who pledge any amount to support your fitness goals.

Step 3: Track your daily steps for each day of the challenge.

Step 4: When participants reach their step goal, sponsors donate their pledged amount to Turtle Ridge Foundation by writing a tax-deductible check to Turtle Ridge Foundation, noting the participant in the memo.


If you're on Social Media please share pictures of yourself, your progress, or your scenery and tag @turtleridge using the hashtag #bodefitchallenge! We'll have a contest for all participants who post during the challenge. The winner will receive an iconic Turtle Ridge Foundation Big Truck hat!


NO PROBLEM! Wheelchair Users, Seniors, People Overcoming an Injury, everyone is encouraged to join us! Below you’ll find a few apps designed to support fitness tracking and workouts for individuals in the adaptive community and anyone needing alternative options for walking:

TruFit Adaptive Fitness: This app offers accessible workouts tailored to various abilities. Users can customize routines based on ability levels (e.g., seated exercises) and track progress with badges and rewards.

Wheel with Me Adapt Fit: This app offers workouts led by wheelchair users, covering mobility, strength training, cardio, and more. It includes monthly challenges and fosters a community of like-minded individuals. Available on iOS and Android, it’s free to download with in-app purchases.

MapMyFitness: While it caters to a general audience, it allows users to track various fitness activities, such as swimming or low-impact exercises, suitable for seniors or individuals who may not focus on steps alone.


Is there a minimum pledge amount? NO. Pledges can be as much or as little as you want. We recommend a flat fee for the sponsored participant who achieves their goal of 70,000 steps.

Can my work sponsor the employees? Absolutely! Any employer who sponsors employees will be recognized on our website and our social media accounts. Please have them email or call Kyla to make a business pledge. (603) 616-5030

What if I can’t make 10,000 steps a day? Not to worry. This challenge is designed to be fun! It's up to you to determine the step goal that's best for your ability.

What if I prefer to run, hike, snowshoe, or some other fitness activity? Great! The goal is to reach your personal goals with the support of the Turtle Ridge community!

What if I don’t get any sponsors? Don’t let that discourage you from participating! Our goal is to build an event to keep people motivated to kick off the year with some fitness goals


Please forward this email to your friends and family! The more the merrier and we appreciate it.


The Bode FIT Walking Challenge is your chance to get moving, stay healthy, and have fun! This week-long challenge is perfect for individuals, friends, families, schools, and even businesses to come together for a little friendly competition while promoting winter fitness. This event is designed to inspire a new New Year's resolution and a new goal we can look forward to every year. Let’s make this inaugural event the start of a cherished annual tradition!

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Support us with a donation.
